7 Health Symptoms You Should Never Ignore in Kids

High Fever

As parents, we are always worried about the health of our kids. However, most of us are still unaware of the symptoms that demand immediate medical attention. So how do you know when to call the pediatrician?

Here are some health symptoms you should never ignore in kids:

  1. Excessive Thirst

The body of kids demands plenty of fluids. However, a sudden increase in drinking water a lot more than usual is abnormal. Inform your doctor, as it might be a sign of diabetes.

  1. High Fever Never Ignore in Kids

Fever is absolutely normal and nothing to worry about. It is the body’s response to infections, as it needs to fight them off. If your child is under 2 months, see your doctor immediately. Babies are more vulnerable to infection. For older babies, give medication as prescribed by the pediatrician to avoid fever rushing to the head. Under such conditions, look for symptoms such as flushed and sweaty face and faster heartbeats. Call the doctor immediately if the child experiences trouble in breathing looks pale, and acts abnormally after having medicine to reduce fever.

High Fever

  1. Abdominal Pain

Stomachaches are common for kids. However, if the child complains of pain in the lower right side and tenderness when touched, call a doctor. This may be a symptom of appendicitis. In the case of appendicitis, stomach pain deteriorates over time.

  1. Reduced Urination

Decreased frequency of urination when accompanied by other symptoms such as dry mouth and lips, dry skin, or excessive vomiting/diarrhea indicates dehydration. These signs should be taken very seriously. Call your pediatrician and try to increase the child’s fluid intake.

  1. Vomiting After Falling

If a child is less than six months and vomits after falling down from a height (even from his crib/bed/table), rush to a childcare specialist. Vomit is usually caused due to some neurological changes such as unconsciousness or confusion. This is an emergency, which must be addressed immediately.

  1. Excessive Bleeding

You should be worried about a cut that opens wide (the width is enough to stick a cotton swab in). A wound that does not stop bleeding even after applying pressure for a few minutes should be well-attended on time. In addition, if the wound is due to an animal bite, insect bite, or a child bite, the same should be examined by the doc to check the severity.

  1. Difficulty Reading

Is your child facing trouble with reading? Is following along in class an issue? The problem might be more than just academics. Your child may be having trouble seeing. In case, you see your child lagging behind in academic function, he might be having difficulty with work written on the blackboard. This could be an issue with distance vision. You need to make an immediate appointment with an eye doctor for evaluation. The child might need glasses. Your pediatrician may give you a referral.