Food Nutrients that Enhance Your Auditory Senses


Enhance Your Auditory Senses With Food Nutrients

Never ever before the people thought about the food’s nutrient-power can work wonders for boosting the auditory senses. Vitamins and minerals have the key roles to play in maintaining and running the body system smoothly. So, what are the foods that can relate to the well-being of ears and healing powers? Check out food nutrients that enhance your auditory senses:


The minerals present in some foods are excellent to boost hearing:


The Zinc is known for its benefits in the prostate and bolstering immune system of the body, but its benefits in supporting hearing problems are no less. It is useful in tinnitus, a hearing issue when buzzing and ringing the ears continues owing to old age or some injury. 50g of Zinc in food or through supplements, taken daily for two months, reduces the symptoms by 82%. It also helps when there is a sudden hearing loss. You can obtain zinc from oysters, nuts, pumpkin seeds, eggs, and dairy products, beef, shrimps, kidney beans, flax seeds, Lima beans, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, oysters, garlic, spinach, and watermelon seeds.



Potassium contents get low with the increasing age. These potassium contents support the inner ear fluid that drops with the age as well. This drop-in liquid level causes hearing issues. The foods rich in potassium such as potatoes, spinach, dairy products including low-fat milk, cottage cheese and yogurt, bananas, melons, oranges, raisins, and apricots can enhance auditory senses.



Magnesium helps in different health disorders of the body besides hearing problems. It enhances the sensitivity of internal ear organs. Lack of magnesium causes shrinkage of the blood vessels in the inner ear that deprives the ear with oxygen affecting the auditory powers. Consume magnesium-rich food like potatoes, artichokes, bananas, spinach, broccoli, dark chocolates, leafy green vegetables, Brazil nuts and pumpkin seeds, dry fruit, avocados, and dairy products to avoid hearing issues.


Folic Acid

Several studies have linked a ‘low-folic acid’ level with hearing loss issues. Folic acid is a synthetic form that is used as a dietary supplement. This helps the body to produce new cells and maintain old ones. The nutritional imbalance is the factor that attributes to hearing loss. Folic acid along with few vitamins like Vitamin B-9 can help maintain the healing powers. Folic acid is also obtained from fortified breakfast cereal, liver, chickpeas, spinach, broccoli, and asparagus.

Omega 3

The high levels of omega 3 fatty acids and Vitamin D generally found in fish, such as salmon, tuna, trout, or sardines, carry encouraging positive effects on hearing loss. Studies have shown that adults who ate fish twice a week, had a 42% lower chance of facing age-related hearing loss than non-fish eaters. Besides fishes, vegetable oils, walnuts, seafood, flaxseeds, and soy products also have omega 3. EPA and DHA are high saturated fatty acids found mostly in cold-water fishes.

Omega 3


Vitamins A, C, and E along with the minerals keep free radicals in check and fortifies the whole immune system of the body and maintain good hearing health too. Vitamin B1,2, 3,6, 9, 12 are essential for the system that keeps the hearing issue at check. The food laced with vitamins is leafy veggies, nuts, dairy products, red and yellow bell peppers, almonds, hazelnuts, carrots, lentils, potato, and salmon.


