Blood Pressure Treatment with Acupressure

Blood pressure treatment with acupressure

High blood pressure or hypertension is a growing health issue nowadays. It may lead to further health issues such as heart problems, if not treated well in time. Blood pressure treatment requires changes in diet, regular exercise, meditation, and home remedies to stay fit. Besides, for quick ways to lower blood pressure, acupressure is the right natural solution.

In this therapy, pressure is applied to the acupoints that increase blood circulation and stimulate the body’s natural self-curative abilities. Details on how to apply pressure on the point and precautions are given at “How to apply pressure on acupoints?”

Blood pressure treatment with acupressure
Blood Pressure treatment with acupressure

Blood Pressure Treatment with Acupressure


Through our posts, you are aware of the causes, risk factors, and cure for blood pressure with medication and natural remedies. Also, you can get to know the connection between Blood Pressure And Lifestyle, causes of High Blood pressure, Exercises and High blood pressure, High Blood Pressure, and Breathing and healthy foods that treat High Blood Pressure. Now, here you will know about acupressure one of the most effective treatment to cure blood pressure without any side effects.

Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor
Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor – QardioArm – Arctic White

You should also apply pressure on the nearby area of the points. The spot where you feel more pain is the required acupoint to treat high blood pressure. All these points are bi-focal which means both sides of the body. Acu-points are there in the figure below.

blood pressure

You should apply pressure on the points and on the nearby area. The spot that is most pressure-sensitive is the required acupoint to treat the health issue. Acu-points are given in the figure. Also, all these points are bi-focal which means both sides of the body. There are some precautions to treat any health issue with acupressure. In case of severe problems, you should see a doctor.

Information provided by acupressure specialist Mr.M.R.Monga. He is 85 years old (Now he is 93 years old) and has a vast knowledge of acupressure and treated thousands of people free of charge.