Lukewarm water and pomegranate are the two things that are very beneficial for the health of human beings. Pomegranate is a seasonal fruit of India and Pakistan. Its seeds are so beneficial to your heart that you may call every seed of pomegranate in your stomach and the seed of life for your heart.
Benefits of Pomegranate in health:
Angina Pain:
Prepare the decoction of dried seeds of pomegranate by boiling in half a liter of water for 10-12 minutes, squeezed the seeds, and strained. Take one glass of this lukewarm decoction in the morning on empty stomach to get relief from angina pain. It will also give relief in tightness and heaviness of the chest and also in pain. This decoction is beneficial in all types of heart problems.
Nutrition, Lifestyle Factors, and Blood Pressure
from RedShelf
Unblock the arteries:
In the case of blockage in coronary arteries, take 200-250 grams of fresh pomegranate juice every day for one year. It will reverse the plaque build-up and unblock the arteries to a normal position. The person suffering from this type of heart problem may feel relief from the symptoms within three to four weeks.
Taking fresh pomegranate juice or eating the whole pomegranate on empty stomach in the morning may help in curing the cardiac patient but the above-mentioned decoction of pomegranate dried seeds is more effective. The use of this fruit in any form works as a blood thinner, lower LDL known as bad cholesterol. It will also raise HDL known as good cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein). This fruit is beneficial in all types of heart problems.
Eating pomegranate with a healthy lifestyle and good eating habits may give amazing results in the curing of heart problems. Regular exercises/yoga is essential to maintain the strength, flexibility, endurance, and balance of the body. Good eating habits mean a balanced diet that includes wholesome and nutritious diets, fruits, vegetables, milk products, and some dry fruits.
Avoiding junk and spicy food, reducing of intake of fats in the meals will help to keep cholesterol and triglycerides in control. Taking meals at fixed times and taking dinner at least two hours before sleeping time is also part of a healthy lifestyle and good eating habits.
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Blood pressure:
The use of this fruit with a healthy lifestyle and eating habits will help heart patients in the thinning of the blood. Pomegranate will also dissolve blood clots and obstructions inside the coronary arteries. It will also help in maintaining optimum blood flow, healthy blood pressure, and preventing the thickening of the internal lining of the blood vessels. You may say that a pomegranate a day keeps a cardiologist away.
Related post:
Reasons to Include Pomegranate Seeds in Your Diet Plan
(It is for information purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Heart patients should take the advice of a qualified medical practitioner/cardiologist for treatment.