Chemical Free Sources of Healthy Proteins

Chia seeds

People now are getting back to their roots and banking on nature for better food supply and healthcare. A big section of people look for chemical-free sources of healthy proteins without additives like chemicals, metals, and pesticides. Although it is harder to get them, still there are few chemical-free sources of healthy proteins available for health-conscious people.

Proteins without any add-ons


Almonds are rich in protein with 21 grams of protein found in 100 g almonds. It’s an unadulterated and complete food with a good source of fiber, healthy fats, protein, and anti-inflammatory properties. Almonds as not the main course protein being low on amino acids but as food supplements, these are good.


Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is not only a good source of clean protein but also for its probiotic properties helps digestion and strengthens bones. As its water is drained out it contains less sugar than other yogurts. The 100 g of Greek yogurt contains 10g of proteins.

Greek Yogurt


Tuna fish is a natural source of protein and its 100g gets you a rich 30g of protein. Not only it is good to eat, but it also helps build lean muscles in the body. Tuna can be eaten fresh or tinned for protein, can be cooked as salads and sandwiches. Excessive Tuna can be bad for pregnant women as it contains mercury also.


Cottage Cheese

This dairy product has yogurt laced to it, gives plenty of ‘Casein protein’, which is a slow-digesting protein. In 100 g of cottage cheese, the protein you get is around 12 g. This is a good supplement with meals or can be eaten as snacks.

Cottage Cheese


The eggs are eternally the excellent protein supplier for our bodies. Every full-grown egg offers 6g of protein. Amino acids present in it make its food value good. Eggs in the breakfast are the healthy beginning for a new day.



The basic dairy product milk is one of the best chemical-free sources of healthy proteins. Whole milk has 3.22 g protein in 100 g. The milk has always been considered a complete food as most of the nutrients present in it. Cow milk is considered healthier in this regard with the presence of higher Omega fats.



Made from coagulating soy milk is also known as bean curd. This makes a nice component in many recipes. Its food value is immense as in 100 g of Tofu 8g of protein can be had, besides other sodium-free nutrients.


Chia seeds

Chia seeds are high in protein as 100g of Chia seeds offer 17g of protein. These have anti-inflammatory properties that are an easily digestible and wonderful food to the core for its multiple nutrients like calcium & phosphorous. A very good source of dietary fiber and manganese, Chia seeds can be had in breakfast in the shape of a pudding or can be had as snacks.

Chia seeds

Hemp seeds

Hemp seeds or Hemp hearts are the seeds that have fatty acids, omega-6, and high protein i.e. 31.6g per 100 g of seeds. Hemp seeds can be consumed raw, cooked, or roasted, it’s incredibly high protein and other nutrients property makes it an amazing food.

Hemp seeds

There are other sources of protein such as chicken, red meat, and seafood but if those are home-cooked you would know no chemicals are used that can harm you.

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