Cure insomnia naturally by including these 6 foods in your diet


Insomnia is a bigger problem than we think it to be. It is defined as the inability to fall asleep / stay asleep and studies have shown that it affects as much as 30% of the world population. While there are many sleeping pills and medications available for this condition, it is always advisable to try to cure insomnia naturally.

What is insomnia and why it happens?

Insomnia is the body’s inability to sleep at night. It is characterized by difficulty sleeping at night, irritability, fatigue, and feeling sleepy during the day. There are majorly two types of insomnia – mild and chronic. Mild insomnia is temporary and generally happens when you’re going through a stressful phase.

Chronic insomnia is more permanent and can affect you for years. People suffering from chronic insomnia should see a doctor for help as natural methods alone will not be as effective for them.

The most common reasons for insomnia include:

  • Medications for conditions like blood pressure, allergies, etc.
  • Environmental factors like noise, pollution, light, etc.
  • Existing ailments like COPD, heart failure, depression, and anxiety
  • Going through an emotionally challenging and stressful time

What are the ways to cure insomnia naturally?

When it comes to chronic insomnia, you will have to see a doctor. However, for the milder forms, there are natural ways available.  A change in diet is a natural, easy, and long-term method of inducing sleep at night. There are certain foods that you can consume at night to ensure you get better sleep.

sleep aid

Sleep Aid Formula 11ml
from: Healing Natural Oils

While there are quite a few foods that make the list, given below are 6 of the best foods that you should totally include in your diet for curing insomnia.


There are 3 ways in which bananas assist in fighting insomnia. The first is the presence of magnesium which is a natural sleep promoter. Second is melatonin that regulates the sleep-wake cycle and finally, you have serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter that regulates mood, appetite, and sleep.


The calcium present in yogurt helps in processing the hormones that are linked to sleep, i.e. tryptophan and melatonin. Hence, you can use yogurt or any other dairy product like milk, cheese, etc. to cure insomnia naturally and promote your sleep at night.

plain yogurt


The glucose present in honey helps in lowering orexin levels that are linked to alertness in your brain. Consequently, you become less alert and are able to sleep more peacefully.

Poultry foods

Foods like chicken contain tryptophan. It is an essential amino acid that your body gets through food. It helps in the formation of serotonin that in turn, creates melatonin which is directly responsible for your sleep cycle.

Poultry food


By snacking a few walnuts approximately 30 minutes before you sleep, you can control your sleep-wake cycle. It is because walnuts are a good source of melatonin which controls your sleep cycle. Hence, including walnuts as a nighttime snack can aid in achieving the sound sleep you’ve been craving.


Basil contains sedative properties. That being said, it is quite understandable that basil would have a positive impact on your sleep cycle. By incorporating the essential oils found in basil seeds in your diet, you can improve your sleep quality.

Basil Leaves (Tulsi)

Include the above foods in your diet to cure insomnia naturally and enjoy a good night’s sleep!!


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