We have got so used to hearing utterances about high blood pressure and diabetes from our childhood. We hardly give any notice as if this won’t happen to us. It is important to understand that Type 2 Diabetes is a life-long metabolic ailment. It occurs due to high blood sugar, resistance to insulin, or lack of insulin in the body system.
The indication of invasion of diabetes has few symptoms such as enhanced thirst, recurring urination, and weight loss for no obvious reason. Added symptoms may show up in the form of unwarranted hunger, tiredness, and a longer healing time of an open wound or sore. Besides, craving for sweets increases and becomes overpoweringly uncontrollable, resulting in the worsening of the diabetic condition.
Diabetes- Causes
- Type-2 diabetes development happens because of the merger of your lifestyle and genetic issues. Insulin is a hormone produced inside the pancreas. Insulin’s function is to convert glucose to energy in the body cells. The glucose is received in the body through the food you take.
- People with type 2 diabetes do make insulin, but the body cells don’t respond to it, as well as they should have, this condition is termed by Doctors as insulin resistance.
- When type2 diabetes begins, the pancreas overworks and makes more insulin to try to get glucose into the cells. Ultimately it gives up, and the sugar level builds up in the blood, in lieu.
- Genes influence the system that instigates your body to make insulin.
- Overweight– Being overweight or obese can cause insulin resistance, especially if your middle line is heavier. Obesity is affecting teenagers to older people, and so is Type-2 Diabetes.
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Diagnosis of Diabetes
A glycosylated hemoglobin test
Known as HbA1c or simply A1c test. This test measures the body’s average blood sugar levels from the past 3 months. A1c of 6.5% is considered good, higher than that is taken to be diabetic. The more glucose in the blood, the more hemoglobin A1C or HbA1C will be present in the blood.
Fasting plasma glucose FPG test
This test measures the body’s glucose level before and after fasting with a gap of eight hours. An FPG result of 126 mg/dl is fair, above that will be considered a high sugar condition.
Type-2 Diabetes and its effects
If we do not restrain and control this ‘unwanted guest’ type 2 Diabetes its complications may affect the other organs of the body. Hyper blood sugar can cause various unimaginable things to the body that will stun you.

- Heart Diseases due to blood vessels
- Nerve damage
- Kidney failure
- Yeast infections
- Hearing impairment
- Skin conditions
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Foot swelling
- Diabetic retinopathy- vision can be badly affected
- Poor supply of blood to the limbs can lead to amputation
QardioArm Case
from: Qardio
Diabetes and its predicament for women
- Loss of libido or sex drive
- Vaginal dryness and pleasure reduction in sex
- Painful conjugal experience
- Women’s fatality is more than men’s, owing to heart conditions because of type-2 Diabetes complications.
- Kidney complication is found more in women than in men because of type-2 diabetes.
- Pregnant women can face miscarriage or still the birth child
- A baby can be born with some inadequacy if blood sugar is not controlled during pregnancy.
Unknown facts about type-2 Diabetes
- In 90.95% of adults, Type-2 Diabetes is found.
- Close to 30 million people in the USA alone are affected by it, 8 million people are still not identified diabetes patients, though likely to have this illness.
- Rural India has 34 million Diabetes patients than urban patients whose figure stands at 28 million. Also, the diabetic men and women’s ratio is 10:9.
- In addition, overweight people are most likely to suffer from type2 diabetes. Though this is not the criteria for diabetes, anyone with a genetic issue and a bad lifestyle can have this problem.
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- Most of the patients are insulin resistant, as their body builds insulin but cells don’t convert glucose to energy. There are few people whose bodies do not produce insulin at all.
- This is a ‘royal disease’ as it comes and stays lifelong for good and doesn’t just go away, this has to be managed and controlled by a healthier meal plan and lifestyle.
- Liver the glucose supplier- When sugar is low in the blood, the liver sends an extra dose of glucose. After a meal your glucose level rises, the liver slows down, and stores the glucose for the future. Improper liver function can lead to type-2 diabetic conditions also when the liver doesn’t stop and continue sending the glucose into the blood.
- Cells, sometimes, have a communication problem, the bad signal affects extra glucose in the blood.
- Damaged Beta cells- If insulin-making cells don’t send timely insulin supply, then also glucose levels in the blood can enhance.
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Treatment and care
Through Food
Diabetes experts say that you can prevent and manage diabetes by replacing refined and simple sugars in the diet with whole-grain food. A study disclosed that eating brown rice can reduce the chances of developing diabetes by 16 percent.
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A breakfast in low-GI foods
Low GI food-containing foods include dried beans and legumes such as lentils and kidney beans and all non-starchy vegetables. Some starchy vegetables like sweet potatoes, most fruit, and many whole grain bread and cereals such as barley, whole wheat bread, rye bread, all-bran cereal, rolled oats and brown rice, can work to prevent enhanced blood sugar.
That’s because whole grains are good sources of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. That can help slow the absorption of glucose and wouldn’t let develop type 2 diabetes.

Grains such as Bulgar whole grain can reduce 36% chances of Type2 Diabetes. Oats‘ breakfast helps control glucose levels. Wheat berries are unprocessed kernel advised to be eaten with salad in breakfast, Millet’s, Quinoa and Buckwheat grain have solid fiber content highly recommended by dietitians.

Fruits and vegetables
Apples, Asparagus, Flax seeds, Garlic, Kale, Melon, Avocados, Beans, Blueberries, Raspberries, Broccoli, Carrots, and Cranberries are a few natural foods that can also control type-2 Diabetes. Besides, fish and nuts may also help in controlling the sugar level.

Through Medicines
Insulin Dose
As per the doctor’s advice, one has to take the shot of insulin as prescribed, the insulin has to be stored in the fridge within 2-8 c temperature. Now, insulin is being developed to withstand 30 c temperature, as most countries have this as normal temperature.
For controlling type 2 Diabetes, Metformin is one really effective drug. Now, doctors prescribe this medicine in most countries. A cheaper drug Metformin not only helps control sugar levels but also helps prevent the possibility of heart stroke by 30 to 40%.
You can easily monitor glucose on mobile phones and Libre connects to the libreLink app device and makes the reading available easily through the phone. You can record and observe the day’s report of your glucose level.
Parting tip
In Type-2 Diabetes few things are related to your health and medical history. Your doctor may be able to help you by studying your case history and prescribing what’s best for you. The keyword is to control your Type-2 Diabetes and live happily ever after.