What is Cellulite ? Causes of Cellulite and Treatments


Cellulite is overfilled fat pockets right under the skin due to enlarging the fat cells to take up more space between the skin’s connective tissues than normal. These additional fats deposit just below the surface of the skin gives the appearance of lumpiness, dimpled skin. Cellulite generally appears on the skin in the thighs, buttocks, pelvic region, breasts, and abdomen. It is not a serious medical condition but can be unsightly and make you conscious while wearing shots or swimming suits. Cellulite may occur in men and women both but is more common in women due to having particular types of fat and connective tissues. In most cases, cellulite appears after puberty, post-adolescent women. The exact cause of cellulite has not been established but several theories have been put forth as causes of cellulite and some of them are:


Causes of Cellulite:

Hormonal changes or using hormonal contraceptives:

Hormonal changes affect the regulation of blood flow, lymphatic drainages, fat and connecting tissues that play a major role in the formation of cellulite.

Genetic reasons may also be one of the causes of cellulite:

People who have close relatives that have cellulite are more prone to it and it has been observed that about 85% of women who have close relatives affected by cellulite also suffer from this problem once in their lives. It is also one of the causes of cellulite.


Stress is another cause of cellulite. One group of hormones known as catecholamine is induced by stress that increases the production of fatty tissues beneath the surface of the skin, gives the appearance of lumpiness, dimpled skin.


Unhealthy food like fast food, spicy food, or caffeine together with excess consumption of alcohol loses the ability of the body to flush out the toxin and thus stores in fatty tissues resulting in the formation of cellulite.

Faulty Lifestyle and lack of exercises:

People who do not exercise, stand, or sit in one position for a long time and do not follow any lifestyle or have a fixed time of sleep may also suffer from cellulite.

The wrong clothing can also be one of the causes of cellulite:

Undergarments with very tight elastic across the buttocks or breast limit the normal flow of blood may also contribute to the formation of cellulite.

There are following four cellulite treatments:

Endermologie Treatment:

This is the first cellulite treatment approved by the FDA to allow the claim of the temporary reduction of cellulite. This treatment uses rollers and gentle suctioning to deeply massage the affected area to increase the blood flow and expelling the water build-up and toxins by stretching the connecting fibers. This is done by the certified entomologist. This treatment requires several sittings and may cost up to several hundred dollars.

Cosmetic Surgery:

Liposuction is one of the surgical cellulite treatments in which fat is removed by the surgical method. Another surgical treatment is mesotherapy in which injections made of vitamins, pharmaceuticals, and homeopathic medications are injected in cellulite to break down the connective bonds of fat cells to flush out of the body. This treatment is done by a plastic surgeon and can be very costly in comparison with other treatments. Many doctors advise against liposuction so you must consult your doctor to explore this further.

Treatment of Cellulite with creams, gels, or lotions:

This is the safest and most popular cellulite treatment to reduce the problem of cellulitis. Creams and gels are specifically formulated so as to reach in little pockets of fat under your skin to increase the blood circulation and to break down fats to dissolve and to form smooth tissue.

How To Get Rid Of Cellulite Naturally

Lifestyle changes and targeted resistance exercises to cure Cellulite:

In order to lose cellulite, you’ll need to make some specific lifestyle changes and eliminate the root cause of the problem. Removing specific foods from your diet and combining targeted resistance exercises with specific dietary changes, you can control hormones problem and help rebuild collagen and elasticity. Squats are a good compound exercise that works several large muscles in the legs and butt and will also help tone and tighten the skin and muscle around your cellulite and give you back the smooth, sexy thighs and butt you once had.

cellulite solution

One such cellulite treatment is “My Cellulite Solution“. It uses three steps unique system that helps to reverse the appearance of ugly cellulite. To remove the cellulite it tackles the root cause of cellulite with tempo training, specific 3D movement sequences. With this system, you will see the results within 28days!  If you do not see any change in your cellulite then you will get a full refund. “My Cellulite Solution” comes with a 60-days money-back guarantee.

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