Home Remedies To Whiten Your Teeth Naturally

whiten your teeth naturally with home remedies

Who doesn’t want sparkling white teeth that enhance their beauty and smile? But is it difficult to ensure sparkling white teeth? Do we need to visit a dental clinic often to get healthy and white teeth? No. Try these home remedies to whiten your teeth naturally at home.

Interestingly, to maintain your smile bright and sparkling teeth, it is important to keep your body healthy as dental health is correlated with other health risks.  Therefore, overall wellness is definitely a prerequisite for your dental wellness.

Nowadays, the market is flooded with lots of dental hygiene products but many of them contain harmful chemicals. You don’t have to rely them to get healthy, white teeth. Instead go for home solutions that will whiten your teeth naturally without any side effects.

10 Ways to Whiten Your Teeth Naturally

1. Carbon powder/Charcoal

Happy Natural – Bio Hemp Charcoal Teeth Whitening Powder

Carbon has absorbing quality; it is capable of absorbing toxins, chemicals, and acidic stains. Dip a clean wet toothbrush in carbon powder and clean your teeth with little circular motion for about 2 minutes. Thereafter, rinse your mouth thoroughly to remove the carbon powder. Carbon powder will absorb the accumulated stains from your teeth and whiten your teeth.


Take a piece of charcoal and rub against your teeth carefully for about a minute. You do not rub charcoal against your gums. Wash your mouth then brush your teeth with toothpaste as normal. Do it for a few days and see the result.


2. Strawberries

Make a homogeneous mixture of drinking soda and strawberries pulp and spread this mixture on the teeth with a smooth toothbrush. Leave it for five minutes and then brush your mouth thoroughly with your regular toothpaste Rinse your mouth to remove toothpaste and rest of the mixture.

In case of strawberries, seeds have been in your mouth then you can use dental floss to remove the seeds. Take care not to overdo this method, as over time it may damage tooth coating.

                                       Also read- Ayurvedic Teeth Care Tips


3. Lemon or Orange Peel

Use orange peel to whiten teeth naturally

Peel an orange or take the inside skin of the lemon and rub the inside skin all over your teeth. Thereafter, rinse your teeth. Now, brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste.

Brush your teeth for a week’s time with this method. You will find that your teeth have been whitened. Do not overdo it as acidic content of lemon/orange may wear away the enamel of the teeth.

4. Banana

Banana peel is another natural solution for whitening your teeth. The research has found that minerals available inside peel of banana help in whitening the teeth without any side effects. Cut the banana peel in small pieces then rub the inside skin of banana peel on your teeth and after 15 minutes rinse your mouth well.

5. Olive Oil

olive oil home remedy for teeth

Olive oil can also help you in whitening your teeth. Before brushing your teeth add few drops of olive oil on your toothbrush and simply brush it or drip few drops of olive oil to a corner of a washcloth and rub it on your teeth. Thereafter rinse your teeth properly.

6. Apple cider vinegar to whiten your teeth

Apple cider vinegar can remove stubborn stains on the teeth, especially from coffee and nicotine. After brushing with apple cider vinegar, brush your teeth with your regular toothpaste so that acid in the vinegar may not remove the enamel from your teeth. You will have to be consistent with the use of ACV and wait for some time to get a result as it may take up to one month to show any result.

7. Dairy Products

It has been found in recent research that cheese, milk, and yogurt contains minerals that strengthen the teeth and improve the whiteness of teeth. Milk and yogurt help keep the mouth cavity clean and shiny.

8. Baking Soda

Limited use of baking soda can enhance the whiteness of the teeth. Mix it with your regular toothpaste or mix with hydrogen peroxide to clean and whiten the teeth. Hydrogen peroxide will serve as an antibacterial agent and keep the teeth and gum safe from bacteria.

9. Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is an ancient Indian method to ensure oral hygiene at home. For this, take a spoon of melted coconut oil in your mouth and roll the same in your mouth repeatedly for 15 minutes. Now, spit the same in s a trash bin.

Regular use can bring good results. Coconut oil has several health benefits and does not have acid in it. Therefore, it is found to be completely safe for your teeth.

When you pull and push coconut oil in your mouth, it kills the bacteria responsible for creating plaque and gingivitis. Don’t be surprised, if we say, coconut oil is as good as any antimicrobial mouthwash.

10. Consume plenty of fruits & Vegetables.

Eat plenty of crunchy vegetables such as carrots, spinach and other leafy vegetable, besides fruits help to produce more of saliva in the mouth. Also these fiber=rich foods balances the acid in the mouth and protect enamel of the teeth. Therefore, this simple dietary change can help to whiten your teeth naturally.

Besides, reduce consumption of stain-causing foods such as soda, colas, coffee and tobacco products.

Gum Dental Floss

Precautions before whitening your teeth

While using teeth whitener you should be very careful. Since your teeth are fragile and some teeth whitener are acidic in nature and may remove enamel from your teeth, damage gums, or other parts of your mouth.

Also, using lemon juice for whitening the teeth can do more harm as an acid may create tiny holes in your teeth. The natural approach of the whitening of teeth should always be done in moderation.

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