Asanas for Curing Back pain

Back pain is one of the most frequent health problems in adults. About 8 out of 10 adults suffer from this problem at one time or the other in their life. This may be due to muscle strain or spasms, sprains of ligaments (which attach bone to bone), joint problems, or a “slipped disk.” The most common cause is a lackluster lifestyle or using your back muscles in activities to which you are not used to.
Back pain can range from a dull, constant ache to sudden, sharp pain. Acute back pain comes on suddenly and usually lasts from a few days to a few weeks. Normally, back pain lasts 2-3 days. If you do not get relief from pain within three days then proper medical attention is required. Moreover, you can get relief in back pain by taking some precautions if it is not due to medical reasons or some injury. Also, you can get relief in back pain with asanas if the pain is not due to any injury or other medical reasons.
Lie on your back. Join legs together and hands by the side of your body. Bend your right leg, exhale deeply, press your knees against your chest, and do not bend your head while pressing your knees. Now come back to the original position. Repeat the same process with your left leg. Come back, straighten your legs and relax. Now do this asana with both legs together. Repeat this asana 4-5 times. This asana will help you to get relief from back pain
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Lie on your back. Join toes and heels together. Bend your knees and place your heels close to your buttocks. Join feet together and knees together. Stretch both your hands perpendicular to your body. While inhaling, bend your knees and legs to the right and your neck to the left.
Your hands, arms, and shoulders should rest firmly on the ground and should not move while turning your knees or neck. Try to touch your knees and left ear to the floor on the left side & see the thumb of your right hand with your eyes. Remain in this position until you feel comfortable. Exhale and come back to the initial position. Now do this asana to the other side. Repeat this procedure 3-4 times
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Lie on your chest. Keep your hands by the side of your body, join your toes and heels together, and your palm facing the floor. Keep your knees straight, and stretch your toes backward. While inhaling raise your left leg, hands, head up in the air, and balance your body on your stomach, stay in this position till you feel comfortable, and take a normal breath.
Come back to the original position and do the whole process with your right leg and hand. Now do this asana with your both legs and hands together.
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Stand straight while keeping your legs together & hands by the side of your thighs. See in front of you and bring both hands in front of you while keeping them straight and facing the palms each other. While inhaling raises your hands straight over your head, fingers pointing towards the sky. Now raise your heels and try to stand on your toes by stretching your body. Remain in this position for a few seconds.
Now, exhale & return to the original position, bring your heels on the ground & slowly bring down your hands. Repeat this process 5 times. Take precautions so that you do not jerk your body.
Bhujang asana

Lie on your chest. Keep your hands by the side of your body, join your toes & heels together, and palm facing the floor. Place your chin on the floor and raise both elbows. Now, while inhaling slowly lift your head, nose, chin, neck, and chest up to your navel and keep viewing upward.
Remain in this position for some time (30 seconds to a minute). Now while breathing out, come down and place your chin on the floor. Remember that you do not raise your body above the navel and your palm should remain under the shoulders.
Makar asana
Lie on your chest. Keep your hands by the side of your body, and join your toes and heels together. Bend your both hands from the elbow, bring them as near as possible, make the stand with your hands, and place the face (chin) on your hands.
Now, while inhaling bend your right foot so that the heel touches the buttock and straightens the foot while breathing out. Now repeat this process with your left foot. Do this procedure for a few minutes thereafter do the same with both the legs together.
In case of pain due to injury or any other medical reason advice from a doctor and proper treatment should be taken.
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