Precaution is always better than cure. If Diwali comes with happiness and indulgence, it also brings along a lot many problems for heart patients. An imbalanced diet rich in sugar and salt; increased pollution levels including noise pollution and erratic routines are common features of the festival season. Here are some simple tips for heart patients during Diwali that will maximize your Diwali enjoyment without having to suffer.

Simple Health Tips for Heart Patients During Diwali
1. Do not forget your medicines
You might get swayed away in the festive mood and might end up missing one or two of your important medicines. Avoid doing this. Set alarms on your cell phones that will keep reminding you of your medicine time. Taking chances should be the last thing on your mind!
2. Get enough sleep during Diwali
Your mind and bodywork are a lot more than routine during Diwali. Make sure you give them enough rest to function well. Sleep on time, do not compromise on your sleeping hours. If possible, take a quick nap during the daytime too.
Moreover, avoid late-night parties as this can spoil your sleep schedule and mess up your glucose metabolism as well as your blood pressure risk. Therefore, maintaining a sleep routine is crucial for heart patients during Diwali.
3. A sound-free Diwali?
This sounds like an impossible task, but you can at least request your neighbors to light fireworks that are sound-free. Some of them might understand and oblige, and some of them may not. But the chances are that the intensity of the noise will be less. And during peak time, you can always stay indoors or wear earplugs.
Moreover, keep your windows and doors closed to reduce noise levels. While going out in the car also, roll up the windows to avoid noise pollution.
4. Keep a check on your calorie intake
Do not indulge. Don’t eat more than what your body needs, no matter how tempting the food looks. Also, you should always be careful about what you are eating. Avoid packed foods, sweets, and snacks that are bought from stores. Go for low-calorie homemade savories as these are much healthier options with the lesser cholesterol content.
Prefer homemade, cooked food with less oil, less sugar, and salt to keep your heart healthy. Include more veggies and whole wheat in your diets such as whole wheat bread and chapatis.

Also, include unsalted nuts and fresh foods in your routine. Besides, keep yourself well hydrated.
To keep your heart fit during Diwali, maintain a diary of what you eat and the quantity so that you do not overindulge in delicacies.
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5. Yoga and meditation for heart patients during Diwali
Sound and air pollution can cause a lot of discomfort to heart patients. But, if you practice yoga and meditation, you can help yourself a lot. With regular practice, you tend to have control over your thoughts and breathing, and you don’t panic very easily.
6. Music Therapy for heart patients during Diwali
If you do feel irritated by the noise of the fireworks, you should close all the doors and windows and play some soft relaxing music. This immediately transforms your mood, and you’ll start feeling more peaceful.
7. Make sure you are never alone during Diwali

People with heart problems should always have company. It is okay to ask at least one of your friends or family members to be around you in case you need sudden help. Last but not the least, you need to have emergency contacts handy such as contact details of your doctor, nearby hospitals, and ambulance.
If you experience any of the symptoms like palpitation, sudden chest pain or pressure, dizziness, blackout, weakness in limbs, short breathing, and severe headache you should immediately rush to the nearest hospital.
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8. Follow the health guidelines issued from time to time
Stay updated with respect to your surroundings and follow any health updates and guidelines issued by the Health Department. Nowadays, Covid-19 has become a huge concern for all, and the impact on people with pre-existing diseases is much larger. Therefore, follow the social distancing guidelines, wearing masks, handwashing, etc to keep the virus at bay.
Celebrations and parties should not be an invitation to any health issue, especially for people with heart issue history. Follow the above tips for heart patients during Diwali and have a safe festival season!!
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