Talk about pregnancy and here comes a long list of what should not do pregnant women during Diwali. However, Diwali is not a festival that can be celebrated with restrictions. Go on reading further to get an idea about how to blend these, should not, and Diwali together!
Know the things that you should do during Diwali
Pamper yourself
Pregnancy is a time when you can indulge in all kinds of relaxation like a spa or a facial. Talk to your doctor to know which products are safe around this time and treat yourself with these comforts to get a perfect look during Diwali.
You can also do slow breathing, meditation, and journaling to stay calm.
Wear cotton clothes
Firstly, they offer you high comfort levels and secondly, they do not catch fire as easily as the synthetic ones do.

Indulge in good food
There will be many temptations, but you must decide for yourself. If you know your body well, the decision about what to eat and what not to will come easy to you. Alternatively, you can always talk to your doctor about what is safe to eat. Whatever you eat, make sure that you eat in moderate quantities.
Additionally, consuming sweets during the festive season should be monitored to avoid the risk of gestational diabetes.
Keep yourself hydrated always
Diwali preparations tend to exhaust you, and therefore you should keep loading yourself with fresh fruit juices, buttermilk, and plain water.

Choose Eco-friendly Diwali Celebrations
For their own welfare and the good health of their unborn child, pregnant women should choose eco-friendly and greener ways to celebrate Diwali. For example, choose natural products over chemical ones to make rangolis, opt for earthen pots over Chinese lights, keep indoor plants to keep air fresh, and so on.
The Stress-Free Pregnancy Guide
Maintain Emergency Medical Kit
Prepare an emergency medical kit to deal with any medical condition or mishap that may happen such as burns. Besides, you need to have emergency medical numbers to reach out to just in case of any unforeseen situation. Such precautionary measures can be of great help.
Things Pregnant Women Should Not Do During Diwali

Tiring yourself
Your swiftness gets affected around this time. Therefore, thoroughly cleaning the house without any help is not a good idea. You should not do anything that can call for an emergency like carrying heavy loads, lifting too much weight, or stretching too much (to clean the cobwebs, etc.)
Shopping during peak hours
The last thing that you should be doing is going in crowds. People will not know or will not care about your pregnancy. It’s for you to care about. So, opt to go shopping during the morning hours when there is not much rush and you can shop peacefully.
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Ignoring pollution
This may sound impossible. However, you don’t have to lock yourself indoors. It just means that you need to take extra care during this period. Avoid lighting crackers that cause too much pollution. Also, avoid going to areas where there is constant noise and excessive smog.
Too much traveling
Cut down on the number of relatives you visit during Diwali. Let them know in advance or invite them to your place. They will understand and will gladly oblige to your needs.