6 Simple But Effective Homemade Shampoo for Hair Loss



Hair loss is a common problem for both men and women of all races, and it is caused by lifestyle habits, genetic factors, environmental exposure, and poor diet, just to mention a few. While there are cosmetic products specifically designed to prevent hair loss, there are plenty of homemade solutions that can help in maintaining healthy strands. Switching to homemade shampoo can spare your hair from potential damages posed by chemicals contained in many commercial products. Apart from skipping daily washes, here are natural ingredients you should consider in your homemade shampoo for hair loss:

1. Egg

An egg for preventing hair loss may sound weird, but it can be very effective in maintaining healthy and longer strands. Eggs are loaded with minerals, vitamins, protein, and other nutrients that can significantly enhance the appearance of your curls. Eggs can naturally make your hair shinier, thicker, and softer.




  • Simply mix about 2 eggs in a bowl
  • Use the egg mixture to wash your hair the same way you use a shampoo.
  • Condition your hair with an appropriate conditioner to get rid of eggs’ smell
  • Alternatively, use a homemade rinsing solution composed of water, vinegar, or lemon juice and aromatic oil.

2. Egg and Honey Shampoo

Another amazing way through which you can wash your hair with homemade shampoo is by mixing egg yolks with honey. This mixture should leave your hair looking and feeling pleasant.



  • Mix 3 egg yolks with 3 tablespoons of honey
  • Massage this mixture to your damp hair and scalp
  • Leave it overnight or for a while before rinsing and conditioning

3. Baking Soda and AVOCADO

Baking soda is a renowned ingredient in most homemade skincare products for exfoliating to diminish blemishes. It can also work wonders for your homemade shampoo in preventing hair loss. Baking powder is effective in cleansing dirt and removing excess sebum. However, it is recommendable to use baking powder once a week because regular use can make your strands weak and prone to breakage or loss.



  1. Mix one tablespoon of baking powder with one ripe blended avocado and some water.
  2. Just like with your usual shampoo, use this mixture to wash your hair.
  3. Rinse thoroughly with water and then condition with your usual conditioner

4. Baking Soda, Egg and Vodka

A combination of baking powder, egg, and vodka can make an amazing homemade shampoo for cleansing and prevent hair loss.


  • Mix 1 tablespoon of baking powder with 1 egg and 2 tablespoons of vodka.
  • Add some water and use it as a regular shampoo in washing your strands and scalp
  • The condition with your regular conditioner

Note: Do not use baking powder regularly in your homemade shampoo as it can strip off essential oils form your scalp and strands. Use it once or twice every month if you.

 5. Cornstarch Shampoo

You mostly use water to wash your hair, but there is another great way to do it using a dry shampoo made from cornstarch. This is a convenient option if you are on a tight schedule but want your hair cleansed and fresh looking. Instead of purchasing dry shampoos, simply apply cornstarch from the roots of your strands and spread it all over your scalp before brushing thoroughly. Doing this should leave your hair fresh and clean within a few minutes.


6. Gelatin Shampoo

Shampooing with gelatin is one of the easiest ways to make your hair not only shiner but also thicker.


  • Mix a tablespoon of gelatin powder and cold water and leave it for 30 minutes
  • Heat the mixture on a warm bath until gelatin dissolves completely, ensuring that it does not come to a boil.
  • Add 2 egg’s yolks and mix thoroughly
  • Use the mixture as a homemade shampoo to wash your hair.
  • For better results, let your hair soak in this mixture for about 10 minutes before rinsing off and conditioning.

This homemade shampoo is ideal for people with normal or oily hair. Using it the right way will definitely give amazing results.


You can make your homemade shampoo for preventing hair loss in numerous ways. All you need to do is go for the one that leaves your hair looking good and feeling great. You do not have to part with your cash when you can prevent hair loss using these easy to prepare hair loss treatments at the comfort of your home. Enjoy healthier and beautiful looking hairs!