Obesity Reasons, Prevention, Change in Lifestyle and Diet Control
Obesity may be defined as excess weight or deposition of excess fats on the body. It can afflict any human being irrespective of whether men, women, adults, teenagers, or children. The increasing obesity rate is a growing problem in the modern world. The problem of overweight and obesity has increased in the last 2 decades particularly in metropolitan cities. In villages/rural populations where old lifestyle and food habits are being followed, the problem of obesity is comparatively very low.
Reasons for obesity
Faulty lifestyle
Nowadays, in this materialistic world, we are leading very hectic lives and do not follow a disciplined lifestyle. We have a myopic outlook towards life i.e. to earn money and accumulate all the luxurious things in whatever way possible. In acquiring these things we sacrifice our peace of mind, health, good sleep, family life, etc. We try to do numerous works at a time and do not concentrate on one thing as we are always in a hurry. Due to an unorganized and haphazard life schedule, there is no fixed time for getting up in the morning, sleeping, eating or physical exercise/yoga. This is the primary cause of developing various diseases.

Unbalanced diet
Nowadays we give preference to junk and spicy food, deep-fry food, processed food, ice cream, and western snacks. We have gotten to take a wholesome and nutritious diet. Intake of high-fat diets chocolates, sweets, wafers, and high carbohydrate food like potatoes, rice, and pasta lose nutrition balance. This eating habit causes the deposition of excess fat on the body. Eating too much than the required amount of dietary intake may also cause obesity.
Lack of exercise/yoga
Physical inactivity develops lethargicness and necessary hormones are not released in our body in sufficient quantity for the smooth functioning of our vital organs. Lack of exercise and restricted movability of the body is also one of the factors of obesity. Whatever we eat is converted in calories and if we do not burn excess calories it may deposit as fat in our body.
Depression, anxiety, trauma, and stress are the leading psychological factors that may cause an eating disorder. Psychological factors like overeating and under-exercising could also result in obesity.
Medical reasons
Medical conditions like thyroid and a neurological problem may also cause obesity.
Heredity, genetic
If any of our parents or grandparents had the problem of obesity, it may continue in the next generations also.
Bad effects of obesity—-Health risks
Obesity restricts the movability of a person and increases the risk of developing or worsening many serious health conditions. It may cause diseases such as anxiety, hypertension, sleeping disorder, blood sugar, and even cardiovascular diseases( heart problem) due to excess of bad cholesterol(LDL) and triglycerides. Obesity is also the main reason for joints problem particularly knee joints.
Prevention and controlling of obesity
The natural way of losing weight:
Change in lifestyle, eating habits, and some exercises/ yoga are the best way to lose weight. First of all, you do ten sun solutions and thereafter lye down on the floor or hard bed and make zero by rotating you’re both the legs in a clockwise and anti-clockwise direction. In addition to this, you should do Urdhvahastottanasana, Ek Pad Utanasana, and Pawan Mukta asanas. Stop taking the junk and spicy food, deep-fry food, processes food, ice cream, high-fat diet chocolates, sweets, wafers and high carbohydrate food like potatoes, rice, and pasta as these items lose nutrition balance and cause deposition of excess fat on the body. Take precautions that you gradually start your asanas and exercises not at once. It may take some time and you will have to keep patience.
Natural herbal remedy to lose weight
In addition to the above-mentioned lifestyle, eating habit changes, exercises, and yoga asana, there are many effective natural weight loss supplements that support a healthy metabolism. Herbal and homeopathic remedies are gentle on our body system and help to create conditions necessary to stabilize weight and balance. These remedies also promote physical, mental, and emotional balance.