There is an alarming rise in the prevalence of diabetes in India. Thanks to our eating habits and sedentary lifestyle, even gestational diabetes is not uncommon. According to recent statistics, India has more people with Type 2 diabetes than any other nation. Who likes to take medicines every day? Insulin and dialysis are even worse experiences. And mind you, as opposed to the misconception, eating sweets is not the only cause of this disease. Stress and genes play a major role in this. Although one cannot do much about it if it’s genetic, it definitely doesn’t harm to prevent it.
Diabetes is a disorder characterized by an excess amount of blood glucose or blood sugar. This occurs due to a lack of the hormone insulin in the body or because the insulin that is present in the body is not absorbed by the body. There are two types of diabetes: Type 1 diabetes called insulin-dependent diabetes which usually affects children and teenagers and Type 2 which was previously called non-insulin-dependent diabetes and usually affects adults. If left untreated, high glucose levels can damage blood vessels, posing great health problems in the long run.
There are homemade remedies to cure diabetes that can be prepared at home with the items available in your kitchen. Some of the home remedies that will help to cure diabetes are given below:
Homemade Remedies to Cure Diabetes
Bitter Guard (Karela):
Bitter guard tends to influence the glucose metabolism of the body and helps in increasing pancreatic secretion and preventing insulin resistance. Drink one glass of bitter guard juice empty stomach in the morning 2-3 times a week to control diabetes. Within two months you will find some positive results.
Basil Leaves (Tulsi):
Basil leaves are rich in oxidants and essential oils that relieve oxidative stress and help in lowering the blood sugar level. Take two spoons of basil leaves juice on an empty stomach in the morning to control your blood sugar level.
Indian Gooseberry (Amla)

Indian gooseberry contains vitamin C and gives great relief if taken in powdered form as it promotes the proper functioning of the pancreas. Mix two spoons of amla powder with water and keep it for some time. Now, filter the solution and mix some lemon juice. Drink this mixture early in the morning regularly. You will feel an improvement in your blood sugar level.

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Jamun (Indian blackberry):
Indian blackberry is considered one of the most effective home remedies for treating diabetes. Interestingly, you can use Indian blackberry leaves, pulp, and seeds for treating diabetes. Crush the seeds or leaves to make the powder and drink it with a glass of water. Moreover, eating raw fruit will also show drastic improvement in your blood sugar level. Blackberry prevents the conversion of starch into sugar.
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Cinnamon (Dalchini):
Cinnamon has the properties to lower the blood glucose level by stimulating insulin activity. It contains bioactive components that are also helpful in preventing and fighting diabetes. Daily use of 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder will improve insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar levels. Additionally, you can take one teaspoon of cinnamon powder with one cup of Luke warm water to control blood sugar.
One of the studies published in the Journal of Medical Food [1] found that garlic was highly effective in increasing insulin content in the body and improved glucose tolerance. Just crush the garlic and eat this paste empty stomach or swallow garlic pods with Luke warm water.
Fenugreek Seeds:
Fenugreek seeds are the rich source of soluble fiber which helps in lowering blood sugar levels as these seeds slow down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates. Soak these seeds in water overnight and should be taken early in the morning empty stomach. These seeds can also be taken in powdered form with the meal to control diabetes type-2.
Curry leaves:
Kadi Patta (curry leaves) contains fiber within the leaves that by affecting the insulin activity of the body plays an important role in lowering the blood sugar level.
Mango leaves:
Take 10-15 fresh mango leaves and boil them with one glass of water. Keep this overnight and drink it empty stomach in the morning. Regular use of mango leaves water will help in regulating blood sugar levels. You will find above mentioned homemade remedies to cure diabetes.