Dry skin and dehydrated skin though appear to be the same yet they are quite distinct. Often people take one for the other. The reasons for both of these are very different. Here you can understand the difference between dehydrated skin as well as dry skin. Besides, in this post, you will also get information on natural care measures required in both conditions.

Dry Skin
- The first factor is hereditary. Genetic reasons are common behind dry kind of skin.
- Another factor is exposure to frequent harsh environmental conditions like extreme cold weather, hot-humid weather, etc. It makes the skin dull and dry.
- The inability of the oil glands to supply enough oil also causes dryness.
- Skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis also lead to dry skin conditions.
- Undernourishment also causes skin dryness as the skin does not get enough vital nutrients.
- Certain diseases such as diabetes also affect the skin and cause dryness.
On the other hand, dehydrated skin may have oil but lacks sufficient water. The skin surface looks oily as the body supplies more sebum to the skin cells to fill the gap created by a lack of moisture content. It is the process to keep the skin hydrated in the absence of water. The result of dehydrated skin is tight, lackluster, and less elastic skin. It also causes premature aging of the skin, redness, scaling, itching, and discomfort. The reasons behind such a skin condition are:
Dehydrated Skin
- Insufficient water intake by a person
- Aging also results in the loss of fluids in the body and skin
- The dry atmosphere also causes dehydrated skin
- Misuse of skincare products
- Hot showers or long baths
- Excessive use of exfoliating products that tears off necessary nutrients from the skin’s surface
As you can see there are different causes and symptoms of dry skin and dehydrated skin. Therefore, the treatment should also differ.
Natural cure for dry skin
Dry skin requires a generous supply of oil as well as moisture to keep it supple and hydrated. Besides, the affected person can resort to several natural treatments to deal with such a condition.
1. Applying aloe Vera gel on the dry areas moisturizes and soothes the skin.
2. Massage from coconut oil on dry portions of the skin helps. You may also use baby oil to moisturize the skin.
3. Daily application of a non-greasy moisturizer in the morning and before going to sleep nourishes dry skin.
4. Mix a few drops of rose water and lime juice to milk cream and apply the mixture on peeled or cracked skin at the night.
5. Once a week, apply mashed banana on your face and leave it for fifteen minutes and then wash off gently. The result will be hydrated, supple, and younger-looking skin. Also, remember to follow certain precautions in case of dry skin mentioned on this site.
Natural care for dehydrated skin
1. Supplement the body with enough fluids.
2. Use glycerin on chapped like to make them soft.
3. Apply the clay mask on a weekly basis to treat the dehydrated skin.
4. Apply a few drops of wheat germ oil on cleansed and damp skin daily for best results.
5. Apply sugar granules on wet skin and rub gradually in order to get rid of flaky skin.
6. You may also mix honey with milk and apply it on the skin to make it soft and supple. Such persons should avoid tea, coffee, alcohol, and smoking.
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